INGAME - Gaming for Social Inclusion and Civic Participation – A holistic approach for a cultural shift in education and policy

Throughout the EU there is a particular need of practices that would provide educators with the devices necessary to create civic engagement that would be both locally and supra-nationally responsive.
The project involves the development of an innovative information technology tool, its associated services and maintenance, the dissemination of results on pedagogical practices for quality lifelong learning among young adult learners. This tool, namely an educational online game, will be distinguished by its attractiveness and high accessibility through the internet. The output of our project, a role-playing adventure, online game will allow users to explore previously inaccessible settings and learn from simulated experience. Our network’s sound background and experience with theories of social learning and action, gender equality, intercultural communication, civic education as well as our cutting-edge information technology experts could greatly sustain the design and development of this transformative, participatory game as well as expand the prospects of digitally mediated social interaction for sustainable learning in the future.